Friday, March 24, 2017



Chapter 1
·         The person of Christ
o   Paul affirms the deity of Jesus by identifying Him as God’s son
o   It is through Jesus that we have redemption
o   Jesus is God in the flesh – the exact image of the Father
o   Jesus is fully God AND fully man – all the fullness of the God-head dwells in Him
o   Jesus created the world for Himself
o   Jesus existed before the earth was created and is the “glue” that holds the universe together
o   Jesus is the head of the church, His body, His bride
o   Jesus is the “firstborn” of the resurrection, the first to be permanently resurrected from the dead
·         Reconciliation
o   Redemption purchased by Christ on the cross was for all kinds of people regardless of race, gender, or socio-economic status
o   Jesus, as our High Priest, sacrificed HIMSELF even while we were still His enemies
o   Leads to good works as a result of being saved
o   Spiritual fruit is the evidence of a relationship with Jesus
o   We are not worthy on our own – Jesus died to make us worthy of knowing God
o   True believers WILL persevere in the faith because will enable them to continue living for Him
·         Paul’s work
o   God called Paul to be an Apostle
o   Considered Timothy his son in the faith
o   Wrote letter to the Colossians while under house arrest in Rome
o   Considered it a privilege and rejoiced to suffer due to serving the Lord
o   Interceded in prayer on behalf of the congregations to whom he wrote
o   Mentored congregations via letters
o   Proclaimed the “Mystery” of the Gospel “Christ in you, the hope of glory”
o   His strength came from the Lord

Chapter 2
·          Warning against heresy
o   False teachers will try to entice them with plausible sounding ideas
o   Question any teaching that denies the deity of Jesus
o   No “higher knowledge” is needed other than the person of Jesus and the Bible
o   Beware of any teaching that works or traditions are a requirement for reconciliation to God
o   Believers need to stay firmly rooted in the truth of the gospel and continue to grow in their understanding of God’s word
o   False teachers are detached from the Head – Jesus
o   The false teachers we promoting asceticism
·          Sufficiency of Christ
o   All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ
o   Jesus is fully God and fully man
o   Jesus is received by faith and each day is lived by faith
o   Jesus makes us complete – nothing else is needed
o   Our sin was nailed to Jesus’ cross and no longer has power over us
o   We do not need to abuse ourselves through asceticism since Jesus completely suffered our punishment on the cross
·          Mistake of reverting to bondage
o   The accusations against us were paid for on the cross and can no longer enslave us
o   Jesus triumphed over sin, Satan, death, and demons – we are no longer chained by them
o   Do not revert to legalism – observing moons, Jewish festivals, dietary restrictions, circumcision, etc.
o   Do not worship angels

Chapter 3
·          Forgiveness
o   We are completely forgiven due to Jesus’ sacrifice in our place on the cross
o   We are “hidden in Him” – sheltered from the wrath of Holy God
o   We should forgive others as Christ forgave us – completely, unconditionally
·          Putting off and putting on
o Mortify: fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry
o Put off: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth, lying
o Put on the new man, the new nature
o Put on:  bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering
o Over all, put on love
·          Relationships
o Let God’s peace be your decision maker
o Encourage one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs as well as the Word of God
o Do all to the glory of God – even in our relationships
o Wives submit to husbands as to the Lord
o Husbands are to love their wives sacrificially as Jesus loves the church
o Children are to obey parents
o Parents should not nag or exasperate their children
o Workers should do their best heartily as if the Lord is their Boss
o The Lord will reward faithful work and punish wrongdoing
o 4:1 – Masters, bosses are to be fair with their employees

Chapter 4
·          Religious duties
o Believers are to pray for one another alertly, consistently, persistently, and with gratitude to God
o Paul sent his prayer requests to the church at Colossae
o We should walk in wisdom among non-believers as faithful witnesses for Jesus
o We should speak graciously and be prepared to defend the Gospel respectfully
·          Commendations
o Tychicus was called a faithful minister and fellow-servant of Paul
o Onesimus, a former runaway slave, is now Paul’s faithful and beloved brother
o Aristarchus, Mark, and Justus were fellow-workers alongside Paul in Rome and were great comforters to him
o Epaphras was commended for his faithful, zealous labor of intercessory prayer
o Paul called Luke the “beloved physician”
·          Greetings
o Paul sent greetings from Luke and Demus
o Paul sent greetings to the Laodicean church as well as the congregation at Colossae and a person named Nymphas who had a church meeting in his(or her) church
o Paul sent a word of encouragement to Archippus to continue in his God-given calling
o The letter ended with Paul signing it in his own handwriting and requesting prayer once again

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