Tuesday, October 17, 2017



One of the things we discovered in studying Paul’s Pastoral Epistles was a phrase unique to those three books: “This is a faithful saying.” These referred to key doctrinal issues Paul wanted Timothy and Titus to remember and teach. There were five things Paul labeled faithful sayings:


1 Timothy 1:15 This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.

1 Timothy 3:1 This is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.


1 Timothy 4:8-9 For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation.


2 Timothy 2:11  It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him


Titus 3:7-8 That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men.


·      1:1-7 Faithfully Fight False Doctrine
§  Timothy was Paul’s son in the faith
§  Paul left him to pastor the church at Ephesus
§  He needed to combat false teachers within the church
·      1 Tim 1:8-14 Law is for the Lawless: Paul Testifies of Transformation
§  The Law makes sinful man aware of his sin
§  Man is incapable of completely obeying the law and cannot be saved by doing so
§  The Law reveals our need of a Savior
§  Paul told of his transformation from persecutor of Christians to Preacher of the Gospel
·      1 Tim 1:15-20 Paul, a Living Billboard and Timothy to Wage War
§  First of the Faithful Sayings
§  Paul gives God glory for his salvation
§  Timothy was to combat false teaching
·      1 Tim 2:1-4 Prayerful Preparation
§  Supplications, Prayers, Intercessions
§  Prayer for civil authorities
§  God desires all types of people to be saved
·      1 Tim 2:5-10 One Mediator, One Message
§  Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and people
§  Pray always and everywhere
§  Both men and women should be dressed modestly and respectably when leading prayer
·      1 Tim 2:11-15  Silent Women?
§  Women may have been disruptive and needed to willingly submit to authority
§  Women and men both need to respect the authority of the church leadership
·      1 Tim 3:1-3 Qualifications of Bishop - Part 1
§  Blameless – not easily accused
§  Sexual purity
§  Sober – serious, discerning
§  Vigilant – not easily deceived
§  Good behavior – orderly, well-mannered
§  Hospitality – lover of strangers
§  Apt to teach – gifted in the area of teaching the word of God
§  Not given to wine – does not drink to excess or use mind-altering substances
§   No striker – Cool-headed
§  Not greedy of filthy lucre – not “in it for the money”
§  Patient, not a brawler – gentle, longsuffering, not argumentative
§  Not covetous – content with what God provides
·      1 Tim 3:4-7 Qualifications of Bishop - Part 2
§  Rules his own house – Leader in the home with well-behaved children
§  Not a novice – not a new believer
§  Good report of them which are without – good reputation in the community
·      1 Tim 3:8-16 Qualifications for Deacons
§  Grave – serious and discerning, reverent, dignified
§  Not double-tongued - truthful
§  Not given to much wine – not in the habit of being inebriated
§  Not greedy of filthy lucre – not seeking gain at the expense of integrity
§  Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience – washed clean by the blood of Jesus
§  Proven – again not a new believer, a person who has demonstrated faithfulness
§  Blameless – accusations against him would not stand
§  Husband of one wife – morally pure
§  Rules house well – children well-behaved
§  Spouse should be godly as well
§  Verse 16 is Gospel in a nutshell
·      1 Tim 4:1-9 Eschew False Teaching: Exercise Faith
§  Increase in false teaching as Christ’s return nears
§  Exercise faith by pursuing godliness through spiritual disciplines
·      1 Tim 4:10-16  Timothy, Be a Testimony
§  Be an example in:
o   Word - speech
o   Conversation – manner of life
o   Charity – Christlike love
o   Spirit – who you are at the core
o   Faith – faithfulness to Jesus and people
o   Purity – especially sexual purity
§  Read Scripture publicly
§  Encourage and correct believers in his flock
§  Teach the Scriptures and the Apostle’s teachings
·      1 Tim 5:1-7 Take care of the Familyship
§  Treat his congregation like family
§  When rebuke or correction was necessary, do it gently
§  Ministry to widows
o  Families should care for their own widows
o  Church should care for widows with no family member to take care of them
o  Widows need to be devoted to and place their trust in God
·      1 Tim 5:8-16    Wisdom About Widows
§  Person who neglects own family, especially widows, is worse than a non-believer
§  Widows on the list to serve were to be over 60, a one-man woman, known for good works
§  Younger widows were urged to remarry rather than falling into various temptations
·      1 Tim 5:17-25  Paul Expounds About Elders
§  Those who lead will should receive extra recompense
§  Elders/pastors should be paid or compensated in some way
§  Pastors should not be more easily accused than any other Christian
§  Accusations against pastors should follow the process in Matthew 18
§  Do not be hasty in ordaining someone for ministry
§  Hidden sins will be made known
§  Hidden good works are rewarded by God
·      1 Tim 6:1-8 Godliness = True Contentment
§  Servants, serve well, respect masters
§  Withdraw from false teachers
§  God is not obligated to reward us with earthly riches
§  Godliness leads to true contentment – peace no matter the circumstances
·      1 Tim 6:9-16    Fervently Follow After Faith
§  With earthly wealth comes many temptations
§  Wealth is not evil – putting riches before Jesus is evil – proper priorities
§  Passionately pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.
§  Fearlessly testify to the truth of the Gospel
·      1 Tim 6:17-21  Righteous with Riches, Eternal Rewards
§  Trust in Jesus not in your bank account
§  Remain humble even if wealthy
§  Use the riches God has given you to do good works
§  Store up riches in heaven


·      2 Tim 1:1-7 Keep up the Good Work
§  Paul’s authority from God as an apostle
§  Prayer for Timothy
§  Paul sees genuine faith in Timothy
§  Timothy, use your gift
§  God gives power, love, and sound mind
·      2 Tim 1:8-12 Never Ashamed of the Gospel Proclaimed
§  Do not be afraid or ashamed of persecution in the name of Jesus
§  Paul imprisoned for preaching Gospel
§  Paul confident in God’s ability to preserve him
·      2 Tim 1:13-18  Remain Faithful to the Faith  
§  Stand strong in the Word
§  Share the Gospel in love
§  Stay true by the power of the Holy Spirit
§  Many turned away but Onesiphorus stayed
·      2 Tim 2:1-7 Persevering Preacher:       Soldier, Athlete, Farmer
§  Stay strong in grace
§  Disciple others to continue the work
§  Endure hardship like a soldier
§  Adhere to the rules like an athlete
§  Labor like a farmer and reap rewards
·      2 Tim 2:8-14 Faithful to the Most Faithful One
§  Paul remained faithful despite hardship and persecution
§  Assured if he died, he would live with Jesus
§  Those who suffer with Jesus will reign with Him
§  Our salvation is secure because of the faithfulness of Jesus
·      2 Tim 2:15-21  Tested, Tried, and Purified
§  Study to rightly divide the word
§  False teachers are like a cancer
§  The foundation of Jesus is rock solid
§  Sanctification – the process of being refined for God’s use
·      2 Tim 2:22-26  Gently Guide to Godliness
§  Flee youthful lusts
§  Pursue righteousness, faith, charity, peace
§  Gently and humbly lead those who stray back to the truth
·      2 Tim 3:1-5      First, the Bad News
§  Perilous times ahead
§  People will live more and more rebelliously toward God
§  People will be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God
§  Avoid people who try to put on an external “face” of godliness but have no true internal change
·      2 Tim 3:6-13    Now, Worse News
§  False teachers deceive people
§  Timothy could trust Paul’s teaching because he had witnessed Paul’s character
§  ALL who live Christ-like lives WILL be persecuted
§  Evil will get worse and worse as the time of Christ’s return nears
·      2 Tim 3:14-17  Excellent, Encouraging News
§  Timothy had an excellent spiritual heritage
§  All scripture is God-breathed and useful for
o  Doctrine
o  Reproof
o  Correction
o  Instruction in righteousness
·      2 Tim 4:1-8      Timothy, Take the Baton
§  Timothy to be ready to teach the truth at all times and in every situation
§  People will flock to false teachers who “tickle their ears”
§  Paul’s Christian life had been a living sacrifice, but his final sacrifice, martyrdom was near
§  Crown of righteousness for all who love Jesus’s appearing
·      2 Tim 4:9-16    Bring My Poncho and Parchments Pronto
§  Paul wanted to see Timothy one last time
§  He asked him to bring Mark along
§  Paul needed his cloak as winter was approaching
§  The books and parchments were scripture and possibly blank pages for writing
§  Paul forgave those who forsook him
·      2 Tim 4:17-22  Deliverance, Preservation, & Grace
§  God would deliver Paul from evil until the time He delivered him to heaven
§  Messages to the faithful
§  News from those who served with Paul
§  Parting blessing of grace for Timothy and all the believers with him


·      Titus 1:1-5 Task for Titus
§  Letter from Paul, a servant and apostle of Jesus
§  God cannot lie
§  Titus is Paul’s son in the faith
§  Paul left Titus in Crete to put the church there in order and select elders to lead the congregations
·      Titus 1:6-9 Eligibility for Eldership
§  Blameless – not easily accused in court
§  Husband of one wife – one-woman man
§  Faithful children not accused of riot or unruly – Older children still obedient to God
§  Not selfwilled – Christ-controlled
§  Not soon angry – level-headed
§  Not given to wine – does not drink to excess
§  No striker – controls temper
§  Not given to filthy lucre – not seeking gain at the expense of integrity
§  Lover of hospitality – opening home and sharing even with strangers
§  Lover of good men – values upright behavior
§  Sober – serious, discerning
§  Just – fair in dealings
§  Holy – set apart for God’s service
§  Temperate - disciplined
§  Holding fast the faithful word – well-versed in God’s word
§  Able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers – a qualified teacher, equipped to give biblical instruction
·      Titus 1:10-16   Rebuke False Teachers
§  Many false teachers in Crete, especially Judaizers
§  False teachers greedy
§  Cretans had bad reputation for lying and laziness
§  Titus needed to rebuke them strongly
§  False teachers were “wolves in sheep’s clothing”
·      Titus 2:1-10     Old or Young, Slave or Free, a Faithful Witness Be
§  Instructions for older men
§  Instructions for older women (60+)
§  Older women to teach younger women
§  Younger men (age 13+) to be sober-minded
§  Titus should be excellent example that no one could speak ill of
§  Servants’ obedience and faithfulness to masters to be a good witness for Christ
·      Titus 2:11-15   The Divine Influence Upon the Heart
§  Grace of God personified in Jesus the Son
§  Holy Spirit enables us to repent of sin and serve God
§  Assurance of Jesus’s return for His Bride, those who trust in Him
§  Titus to speak with authority
·      Titus 3:1-8 Attitude is Everything
§  Respect and obey civil authorities
§  Good behavior toward people, especially non-believers
§  We were all sinners before trusting Jesus
§  Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus, not by works
§  Holy Spirit empowers us to be more and more like Jesus
§  Believers are joint-heirs with Jesus
§  Good works are the evidence of salvation and a testimony to non-believers
·      Titus 3:9-15     Some Final Instructions
§  Proclaim truth rather than debating error
§  If a person is divisive after two warnings, reject him/her
§  Paul wanted Titus to visit him
§  Titus was to help Zenas and Apollos on their journey
§  Titus to encourage believers to help others how truly had needs
Paul closes by praying grace for Titus and the believers at Crete

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